Advisory services that support any and all of your needs.
Discovery Process
Gathering data
Meeting with all key stakeholders
Review of policy & plan design
Review of current process & identifying gaps
Review of service levels
Creation and review of RFP documents
RFP Strategy
Financial, claims & staffing analysis
Participation analysis
SPD vs Contract analysis
Process mapping & technology
"Best-in-class" plan and process recommendations proposed plan
Design customized performance guarantees
Review quoted plan design vs current
Review quoted plan design options
Review quoted processes improvements
Review quoted rates
Review reserve valuations
Funding arrangement analysis
Educate quoting vendors design and financials
Finalist presentations
Site visits
Assist in vendor selection process
Documentation of agreed-upon-terms
Assistance with presentations for senior leadership
Execution of bidder terms
Key part of the implementation team
Attend all calls
Advise on implementation options
Help resolve escalated issues
Implementation audits
Review of new contracts and SPD's
Assist in design and review of communications
Implementations PG's - tracking and accountability
Ongoing Services
Designs reporting packages
Contract and SPD review
Monitors plan performance
Assist in escalated claims and administrative issues
Benefits staff training
Claim and reserve analysis
Claim audits
Communications review
Market research and intelligence
Mergers, acquisitions and restructuring
Vendor management
Legal and regulatory compliance
Social Security advocacy
Benefits strategy